New Harmonia Videos
We are very glad to announce a new video explaining all the basics of our science. What are atmospheric aerosols, why are they important and how do we estimate their presence in the Atmosphere. Also, 3 separate videos create the series Decoding Aerosol Measurements,...
Special Thanks to Wetter Museum for providing a tour for students of SkyOverBerLin
The Wettermuseum is a museum of history of meteorological and climatic measurements, over the years. It hosts a very large collection of old meteorological instruments. A special focus is given on the history of Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg (1905 -) with...
STSM on Arctic Aerosols
Sandra Graßl did a STSM on the Homogenization of sun, stellar and lunar photometers in the Arctic Region, with very promising results. She was hosted at Universidad de Valladolid and by collaborating with scientists of the institute, she had access to databases of...
HARMONIA session at EMS2024
HARMONIA Action proudly organizes a session at EMS 2024. This session is open for abstracts on all aspects related with aerosol measurements and their interactions with clouds and solar radiation.It includes measurement calibration techniques and satellite calibration...
Sky Over Berlin: Preliminary Program
A preliminary program for the HARMONIA training school "Sky Over Berlin" has just been announced. Stay tuned for more information and final approval of the applicants on early February. download the full program
Sky Over Berlin
🌐 Announcement: Sky over BerLin Training School - HARMONIA's Aerosol Measurements Workshop 📅 Dates: April 8-10, 2024 🚀 Theme: Training on Aerosol Measurements (Sun Photometry) 📝 Registration Deadline: January 31, 2024 📍 Locations: Berlin and Lindenberg, DE 📢Organizer:...