What we fund

HARMONIA and all COST actions’ priority is to enhance networking and research collaboration where ideas and people can grow without borders. Three types of grants are available in order to support researchers’ and innovators’ networking activities.

Short-Term Scientific mission (STSM) grant

Short-term scientific missions (STSMs) are exchange visits by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time, allowing people to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member state. An STSM should specifically contribute to the objectives of HARMONIA.
The Grantee receives funding for implementing a project with an international team and gaining new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution. He/she receives a contribution for traveling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, implementation of the project, delivery of the report to the COST Action MC and overall effort, of max. EUR 4’000.


Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference grant

The Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants provide financial support for Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country / Near Neighbour Country for their participation in high-level conferences not specifically organized by the Action. The grantee receives support for attending and presenting their work (poster/oral presentation) at a conference and can establish new contacts for future collaborations. On-site, as well as online conference participation, can be supported.

Virtual Mobility (VM) grant

Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants provide financial support for Researchers or Innovators (with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or from a COST Near Neighbour Country) for virtual mobility activities.
The Grantee can be any Action participant, and receives compensation for organizing, cooperation, collaborations in a virtual setting among researchers within the COST Action, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, convey a survey, etc. A VM should specifically contribute to the Harmonia objectives


Dissemination Conference (DC) grant

Dissemination Conference  grant supports an Action Participant to give an oral presentation of the work of the Action in high-level conferences fully organized by a third party. The presentation should significantly increase the visibility of the Action in the research community, attract additional participants and stakeholders, and disseminate Action results to relevant end-users.