WP3 workshop for Aerosol end user engagement at Athens,GR

  WP3 workshop took place at Athens, Greece , on 19 September 2023. More than 50 people participated. A progressing discussion with users of Aerosol products, where the needs and the necessary improvements were highlighted. The full program with links to...

STSM on Lunar AOD from PREDE sunphotometer

G. Kumar fulfilled a STSM at Rome, IT. He implemented a method to retrieve nighttime/lunar AOD , from PREDE sunphotometer and then compared the results with the colocated CIMEL. Good agreement was found, making the method suitable for operational use. Cloud screening...

ENEA , ITALY is hiring 5 scientists

5 Job Vacancies at ENEA, IT Two research fellowships will work in the framework of the ACTRIS activities of the Station for climate observation of Lampedusa . ENEA takes part in the ACTRIS project in the framework of remote sensing observations of aerosols and clouds....