ENEA , ITALY is hiring 5 scientists

5 Job Vacancies at ENEA, IT Two research fellowships will work in the framework of the ACTRIS activities of the Station for climate observation of Lampedusa . ENEA takes part in the ACTRIS project in the framework of remote sensing observations of aerosols and clouds....

STSM Karanikolas 2023

Phd Candidate A. Karanikolas was hosted by GRASP in Lille, France. He studied the retrieval of aerosol properties from solar irradiance data with temporal and spectrl resolution using GRASP algorithm

EMS 2023

HARMONIA-COST action had a very vivid presence at EMS 2023 conference in Bratislava. Dr. Kazadzis (Chair) presented the general frame of the action and explained to attendees the ways to participate. Dr. Doppler (WG1 leader) summarized multiple experimental campaigns...

STSM Schenzinger 2023

Verena Schenzinger was hosted in PMOD/WRC, for the first STSM of our action.  The subject was the application of Cirrus cloud identifcation algorithm to different AOD datasets from various networks. Interesting preliminary results of this missions are shown in the...