WP3 workshop took place at Athens, Greece , on 19 September 2023. More than 50 people participated. A progressing discussion with users of Aerosol products, where the needs and the necessary improvements were highlighted.
The full program with links to presentations:
09:00 Registration
09:15 Welcome and introduction to the Academy of Athens (Christos Zerefos – Academy of Athens)
09:30 Aerosol effects in radiative transfer as seen through the paintings of the great masters (Christos Zerefos – Academy of Athens)
10:00 Aerosol and Dust users experience from InDUST (Sara Basart – WMO)
10:20 Global aerosols and radiative effects (Stephan Kinne – Max-Planck-Institute)
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10 Assimilation of aerosol observations within CAMS (Melanie Ades – ECMWF) Online presentation
11:30 Validation of satellite-based aerosol products (MariLiza Koukouli – AUTH)
11:50 Aeolous and aerosols (Vassilis Amiridis – NOA)
12:10 Aerosol observations for aviation sector (Olympia Vasardani – NKUA)
12:30 Use of aerosol properties for solar energy modeling (P. Blanc – Armines Paris Tech)
12:50 Break, light lunch and tour at the premises of the Academy of Athens
14:30 ACTRIS aerosol RI (Africa Barreto – AEMET)
14:50 Aerosol observations in Brewer Network (Alberto Redondas – AEMET)
15:10 Dust climatology from remote sensing observation (Antonis Gkikas – Academy of Athens)
15.30 Discussion and Conclusions